for protection from Air Pollution
Preclinical studies suggest BerriQi support the lungs to prevent and repair the inflammatory damage caused by air pollution particulates. People living in high-pollution environments can take BerriQi to help manage the long-term respiratory effects of pollution and maintain healthy lungs.
BerriQi works with the body’s natural respiratory immune system to neutralise harmful particulate, calm immune responses to pollution, and repair damage from long-term pollution exposure. Click here to download file
After exposure to air pollution, immediate symptoms may be improved by BerriQi. BerriQi consumers may experience this as less lung contriction and the ability to take deeper breaths with ease. Click here to download file
BerriQi can help to promote a switch to the healing phase of your immune cells, helping to remove fibrosis and redistribute collagen for airway remodelling.
Click here to download file
is a patented ingredient.
Treating or preventing acute or chronic allergic airway inflammation with BerriQi®
Treating or preventing immune cell infiltration in lung tissue with BerriQi®
Treating or preventing accumulation of collagen fibres in lung tissue with BerriQi®

Clinical Trial Testing
We partnered with Plant and Food Research to carry out an extensive study on the effects of BerriQi during acute ozone exposure. Preliminary results showed improvements in 3 of our 4 symptoms tested. Learn more about these results:
- Throat irritation
- Coughing
- Pain upon deep inhalation

Market Acceptance Testing results
Tested with consumers experiencing symptoms from high urban density pollution in Malaysia, BerriQi was tested at two doses (1300mg high dose and 650mg low dose). At the high dose participants experienced up to 83% percent improvement in symptoms primarily in cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue. At the low dose participants experienced a 53% improvement in cough, mucus/phlegm, and sore throat.